About Us >>
As legend has it, The Poor Boys Tarpon Fly Tournament was started about 45 years ago by some of the most infamous fly fishing anglers and guides, you will probably meet them, they still fish. After the "big three" tarpon fly tournaments in May and June, the locals wanted a chance to compete. So they started the Poor Boys, to make the tournament accessible to anyone who wanted to prove their skill and competence. The tournament has kept in line with this over the years. We want everyone to have the chance to show their skills in the saltwater fly fishing community in Islamorada.
2025 Schedule >>
Kick-off: July 4th, 4 PM - 6 PM
Fishing: July 5th & 6th
Location: Lorelei Restaurant & Cabanabar
Scoring will be done at the Lorelei each afternoon. Winners will be announced at Lorelei following fishing on July 6th.
Registration Fee: $250